Welcome to DeafpiloboyTV's Blog

Hi, I called myself deafpilotboy because I am one of few youngest deaf boy who got pilot license! My hobby is to do stop motion with LEGO. Sure LEGO can be great hobby for Adult too! Here my Blog about my experience on doing stop motion and my point of view of LEGO. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Confused on the Download Instruction

Confused on the Download Instruction

My son own the 79104 The Shellraiser Street Chase Ninja Turtles. Other day he was play with it and accident broke it apart. He asked for my help to rebuild it. After I download the instruction in pdf for those set from http://service.lego.com/en-us/buildinginstructions/ look like image below.

While I was helping my son rebuilding it, I was struggle with look for missing piece that don't exist. Until I finally realized there was a 2 diff instruction book with different piece but the outside of it look same. Even both are under same set number as you can see the different in those 2 image below. 

This image come instruction book that use more techie lego piece to build support under it. 

While other one instruction in here only use one large black train platform piece to support under it. 

See it for yourself by go to http://service.lego.com/en-us/buildinginstructions/  and put in the "79104" search box and check out each link it provide and you will see the different.  

So Double check the instruction the list of download link instruction 
to prevent from get into confused again. ;-)